The Project

We place humanitarian and environmental issues at our core

About Us The Mission

Socially responsible garments for 21st Century creative souls who concern themselves with the environmental and social issues of our age.

At The Habibi Project we use the profits from our garment sales to support the organisations we are affiliated with or support their mission. Currently, we are donating the proceeds from the garments to Refugee Youth and The 4Front Project.

Refugee Youth is a national charity in the UK that aims to combat the alienation that young refugees in the UK can experience, by offering different opportunities for development, socialising and inclusion.

APOW – Amazing People of the World – is Refugee Youth’s Croydon-based weekly workshop, run with local young people. Their mission is to create a positive and inclusive culture where everyone can feel part of a community of togetherness, a sense of individual place and purpose and included in a creative and inspiring space.

The 4Front Project has pioneered an approach that empowers the young people most directly harmed by violence and the criminal justice system to be at the forefront of a grassroots movement for change.  They fundamentally believe that there is a difference between reducing violence and building peace. 

4Front’s work centres racial justice and empowers members to recognise their strengths and identify systemic barriers to their progress. They specialise in providing culturally specific services, tailored to meet the needs of those with experiences of violence and the criminal justice system who identify as Black (which includes those who are Black British, African, Caribbean and Mixed Heritage). We not only acknowledge the impact of racism and discrimination on our members, we actively work to dismantle these systems.

Through the proceeds of our garment sales, we endeavour to support these organisations in achieving their objectives. The rest of the revenue is used to create engaging content around these issues from short films, events and artwork.


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